The discrepancies are the vertical
distances between the observed points and the line. Notice that most
observed points are within a distance of 50 score points from the line.
One observation is over 150 points below the line.
As mentioned earlier, leverage is
the horizontal distance for the mean of X (API06). The mean API score
for these schools in 2006 was 774 points. The points with the most
leverage are those scores well below and above 774.
combination of discrepancy and leverage indicates the influence a
point has on the regression model. Note here that the two
points with the most influence are the circled ones. Closer
investigation of the data reveals that Cesar Chavez Elementary
went from an API score of 735 in 2006 to an API score of 596 in 2007,
when the school's predicted score was 742. John Muir
Elementary went from an API score of 615 in 2006 to an API
score of 573 in 2007, when the school's predicted score was 627. The
observation for Chavez Elementary has very high discrepancy and
relatively low leverage, because its 2006 API score was near the mean
of 774 points. The observation for Muir Elementary has moderate
discrepancy but high leverage, because its 2006 API score was among the
lowest. Inspecting the discrepancy plot will show two other schools
whose predicted scores were off by over 50 points, but because their
2006 API scores are closer to the mean than Muir's was, their influence
on the regression model is less.